16 August 2023

That Baldurs Gate 3 IGN Video is stupid and they are hypocrites

Just a short one.

I watched that IGN video about Baldur’s Gate 3 and I think it’s a load of crap and wanted to just explain why. If you havent seen it its called “Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic” I dont necessarily suggest you watch the video before reading the rest, but its only 9 minutes long.

Other than having a very provocative and misrepresentative title, it’s a simple demonstration of the hypocrisy of the most influential media outlet in the games industry. It totally mischaracterized the arguments of Xalavier Nelson(https://twitter.com/WritNelson) as just jealous whining where from what i can tell he is simply raising awareness and reminding everyone that not all games can be Baldur’s Gate 3 and this is a pretty obvious fact in my opinion. Baldur’s Gate 3 is the exception. You can’t just expect every game to have the pedigree, anticipation, money and time that this game had. The reason we get games like Baldur Gate 3, Elden Ring and TOTK is because of experienced veteran developers honing their craft, making mistakes and improving, iterating and innovating each time. It’s not by cranking out yearly sequels or lying to the consumer, like most AAA publishers are happy doing. Baldur’s Gate 3 quickly became the 7th most played game on steam ever on sheer competence and word of mouth. I dont even like DND or Larian Studios’s games but i bought this because it looked fucking class, and it is. This manufactured outrage for clicks is just mind numbing at this point, this game doesn’t retroactively make Mass Effect: Andromeda and Diablo 4 bad, their issues existed before this game came out, you didn’t have to put up with it then too. The current state of affairs in games is no secret and gamers havent had to put up with this shit from AAA devs this whole time, so why act all surprised now. IGN is pretending to stand up for the consumer, BG3 is not a bat to beat down worse games with, it should be something to be celebrated.

If you still think IGN cares about the consumer, all of the games criticised in IGN’s video received a “Good” (as per their marking system) review. Here is a list:

  • Diablo 4 - 9/10
  • Jedi Survivor - 9/10
  • Destiny 2 The Witch Queen - 8/10
  • ME:Andromeda - 7.7/10
  • Cyberpunk 2077 - 9/10

All of these games were heavily criticised by other outlets and yet IGN just slap on a nice fat yummy high score so that the publishers might glance at them with some kind of emotion similar to respect. If they truly cared they wouldn’t give them such high scores, you can say the scores dont matter but its not a “Review Summary” that goes in the trailer is it? IGN have had ample opportunity to criticise and influence the industry when they review problematic AAA games but are content on bootlicking big publishers in fear of being left out.

IGN are clowns.

Go and play Baldur’s Gate 3 and enjoy it.

tags: blog - games - video-games - BaldursGate3 - LarianStudios - IGN - controversy