25 April 2022

Welcome to blog

My first blog post :0

I decided to finally get to it and write one because i have a lot of thougts and feelings and not many ways to deal with them. I plan to write about whatever i feel like writing about. It’s just a personal thing and i don’t really care if people read it but if anyone does read something and likes the words and their order enough to not immediately forget about them then thank you, ill try and write more :)

As for the topic for my first post, apparently it was world record store day on saturday and despite not knowing this, i found myself in one on that day. Theres a new one that opened up near me and they decided to celebrate by giving out free beer. So i went along and it was nice, the shop is a stark yellow which stands out quite nicely against the somewhat drab arrangement of aging tenements. I hung around for a while and browsed the collection, the beer was fine but it effectivly achieved the intended job of buttering me up enough to buy something. I didnt walk in to buy anything but ive been listening to a lot of pink floyd recently and saw a reprint of “Wish you were here”, it was only £20 and i like to support local businesses so i thought why not. The way i see it, im better giving them my money than Spotify or Google, and at least i actually own it.

To be honest i’m not that keen on the hip new modern facination with buying reprints of vinyl records. The price hike on them is hard to justify, considering on a technical level they are worse in pretty much every way than digital alternatives. But i cant deny, they do got a vibe.

tags: blog - music - record_store_day - beer